Wolf Children
おおかみこどもの雨と雪 (Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki)
Pernah dengar atau nonton Summer Wars, The Girl Who Leapt through Time? Nah orang dibalik dari movie-movie yang ane sebutkan tadi itu adalah Hosoda Mamoru. Movie kali ini menceritakan bagaimana seorang ibu membesarkan kedua anak 'werewolf'. Memang terdengar simple, tapi dari itulah terdapat kejadian-kejadian yang bisa membuat mata anda berkaca-kaca serta penuh dengan pelajaran hidup yang dapat membuat agan-agan menjadi lebih baik.
Type: Movie
Episodes: 1
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Jun 25, 2012
Producers: Madhouse Studios, VAP, Dentsu, Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation,
FUNimation EntertainmentL, Kadokawa Shoten, Toho Company, Studio Chizu
Genres: Fantasy
Duration: 1 hr. 57 min.
Rating: G - All Ages
Quality: Bluray
Quality: Bluray
The theme of the film is the love between parents and children. The
story covers 13 years and begins with a 19-year-old college student
named Hana who encounters and falls in "fairy tale-like" love with a
"wolf man." After marrying the wolf man, Hana gives birth and raises two
wolf children—an older sister named Yuki who was born on a snowy day,
and a younger brother named Ame who was born on a rainy day. The four
quietly lived in a corner of a city to conceal the existence of the
"wolf children," but when the wolf man suddenly dies, Hana decides to
move to a rural town far removed from the city.
Oia, sebaiknya sih nonton bersama keluarga, pokoknya movie ini sangat 'worthed' lah buat di tonton.
Download Link (769MB) - [Google Drive] [Mirror] (udah ada sub indo di dalamnya)
ASS File English (Subtitle English) - [Click Here]
Download Link (769MB) - [Google Drive] [Mirror] (udah ada sub indo di dalamnya)
ASS File English (Subtitle English) - [Click Here]
Thanks & Credit : Lulusubs
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